Mother’s Day Meditation

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Hi, Jenna here, co-founder of House of Hiatus. I’m writing you to share that this will be my first Mother’s Day, and as I reflect on all that has changed in my life since becoming a mother, one thing that remains a constant has been this business. Our mission is simply to help people connect to the freedom found on vacation, although, there were times in the last year where that seemed so far from my reality. I know many of you can now relate to being restricted, unable to disconnect or take off on a whim. The good news is I have found other ways to relax and remind myself what it feels like to move without limitations.  

“One of my favorite things about a long day of travel has always been the shower awaiting you at the end."

Let’s start there and imagine rinsing off the outer elements, salt, and sand. Now try closing your eyes and envision yourself in your favorite travel destination, what does it feel or smell like? Perhaps slip into your favorite House of Hiatus piece, opening a window, lighting some incense, and relish in this space. Sit in a different chair or look out a forgotten window, anything outside of your usual routine can help you navigate to a place of serenity. While I still look forward to traveling again, with my new family in tow, what I have found is how to vacation from anywhere. 

Freedom for the mind can come from any deviation from your everyday routine, a leisurely pause as simple as a change of clothes. 

We hope this coming Mother’s Day brings all moms a well-earned hiatus from the daily flow and to all others: be well! 



How I Hiatus: Two Bunch Palms, California


How I Hiatus: Southern Italy